Agnus Dei

SORAKA BUILD GUIDE: Agnus Dei by zhigatron - SoloMid.NET - League of Legends Competitive Gaming Community

so, surprisingly enough i managed to finish this. its a guide for a league of legend champion. i play a lot of this game, not really in to it, but its a good time killer till dot2 gets here xD if you got the time, and you know what is what in the world of lol go check it out, and if not google league of legends if you are interested, else let the shit storm begin! :D


  1. I'll have to google it later! :P

  2. I've been meaning to try this game out. Reckon your guide will give me any edge at all?

  3. I have friends who play LoL. Looks cool but I never got round to trying it. Perhaps today is the day!

  4. well it seems like the community isnt ready for my convoluted way of writing, ill put up a new one soon, ill let you know in case you are interested

  5. Awesome read. I'll have to look into it mroe in a bit

  6. I've been meaning to try League of Legends for a while, now. Really cool cast, and that terrific DotA gameplay.

  7. Cool guide! Thanks for showing us!

  8. been wanting to play this ill give it a go

  9. I'm a huge fan and decent player of HoN which way better than LoL for me :D

  10. mm i like lol but never played soraka ^^

  11. I've been wanting to check this game out for a while now.
